Immigration anxiety!
No…I’m not talking about the anxiety of newness that occurs once a person moves to another country. I’m talking about the anxiety that the sheer bureaucracy can bring. Do you know there are about 4 different ways for the most regular person with no criminal record in the last 7 generations to enter a country? No, I am not talking about 4 different ways to enter any country, it's 4 different ways for each of these so-called great nations of the west. Each way comes with its pros and cons, each way can lead to one putting in one's life savings into a process to move, which can in turn result in just getting back home with nothing at hand.
This article is not a solution, it's a rant. A rant I hope is relatable.
Look at the stats! which countries have the most immigrants? The ones that are capitalistic, ones where opportunities are plenty, and ones that are liberal. So essentially, people are moving in search of a decent living and in many cases a chance to live without being judged for one’s very existence. This requirement is as basic as food, water and shelter!
I’m not saying a country should allow anybody to come in and live. That can cause security issues, I do get it. But why can’t a person from Indonesia, apply for a job in Canada, be screened and interviewed fairly and be taken in? Why is obtaining Visa or a job permit such a big deal?!
This article is a result of my frustration. I can't understand why competence and passion alone are not enough for me to work, and get paid, but live in a place where I feel comfortable, instead of being stuck in a place where I was born decades ago.